Row and Column Strategies


Game Theory Module solves 2-person Games by identifying the most suitable strategies for each player and value of the game. It also solves special cases such as [m X 2] and [2 X n] games by graphical method. There is an option to solve any [m X n] games by Simplex Method

Game Solving

Game Solving tab checks whether the given game has Saddle Point / Equilibrium Point / Pure Strategy or not. If Pure strategies are available, then it shows the result; else, the algorithm computes Mixed Strategies of each player and value of the game.

  • Enter the Number of strategies for Row and Column Players & Press the Submit Button to generate input data table for the problem
  • For each player, enter the payoff data for each strategy
  • Press Submit Button
  • Save option allows you to save the problem data to the local system storage as a ‘.txt’ file
  • Solution page contains Result Table; it shows the calculation summary of checking Saddle Point for the game, if any. Otherwise, the algorithm shows the results of mixed strategies for each player and value of the game
  • There is an option to save the solution as a PDF file